Our flagship Medical Billing System is a comprehensive Medical Practice Management System that offers a complete software solution to Patient Recordkeeping, Appointment Scheduling, Claims Processing, Electronic Claims Submission, Receivables Management, Patient Billing and EMR.


Solid Database Engine

Easy to Learn

Modern Medical Billing Software

Full Cycle Accounting System

Detailed Reports

Document Scanning

EMR Integration

Appointment Scheduling

Customizable Letters

Electronic Superbills

Affordable Practice Management System

...and More!

Billing Service

Let our staff focus on you.

What we normally find is that staff members, while certainly capable, are being pulled in too many directions. This sometimes results in your income not being what it should be. Insurance companies are paying less and less. Finding the “time” to fight with insurance companies concerning payments is tough to find. Staff members sometimes “write-off” charges that might have been able to be resolved with more effort.

We are able to spend more time on your account, because that’s all our billers do. We also meet with you quarterly to review the status of your account. In addition, we make recommendations to you concerning how much you are charging for certain services. Based on our experience with other offices similar to yours, we are able to determine how much insurance companies are paying on certain CPT codes.

Our fees are very simple. We charge a percentage of the money “collected”, not charged. The more we make for you, the more we make for ourselves. Our price includes everything - Putting in Charges, Payments, Working your Accounts Receivables, HFCA Forms, Envelopes, Patient Statements, and reports…

We also provide our own Billing Inquiry Phone Number to resolve any questions your patients have regarding bills they receive. This is being done to reduce the interruptions your staff receives during an already hectic day.

We also install our Billing Software on your computers free of charge. This is done primarily to allow your staff to use our Scheduler. The only item we need from you to make this happen is for you to have internet access with at least DSL speeds. This results in you or your staff being able to review the most current information available for patients when they come in the office. We normally receive a packet of information from you 2-3 times per week. This packet includes Charges, Copies of Checks received and the EOBs. We do not want to receive the actual checks, only copies of them.

I think that after you review what we can offer to you, you may find that it’s in your best interest for an outside firm to do your billing. Please let us know if this is something you would like to pursue. We can schedule a meeting with you to discuss this further if you would like.

Tour Our System

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at any time at:

Medtech, Inc
180 Weidman Road, Suite 125
St. Louis, MO 63021

Medtech, Inc. is a St. Louis, Missouri based company established in 1993. Its founders have been involved in the medical practice management field for over twelve years.

Medtech, Inc develops the Medtech software, a state-of-the-art modern practice management system. The programmers, technical writers, and support staff at Medtech are highly experienced medical and software professionals who truly understand the needs of healthcare providers of all types. Creating Medtech took more than three years, with loving attention given to every detail of the software, from superb functionality to the color of the screens to the shape of the icons, from the variety of keyboard shortcuts to the sequence of data fields. Screens were designed and redesigned again and again, until we felt we had it right. Every effort has been taken to make Medtech the most user-friendly, easy-to-learn, yet intelligent and advanced medical practice management software you can find.

Medtech, Inc. is prepared to put our word behind our product. While you may consider us a new software company compared to a few larger, established medical software companies, we are not new to the medical profession. Medtech founders have over a decade of hands-on experience in the practice management IT industry.